QRZ! Ham Radio 3
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 3.iso
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Internet Message Format
From philabs!prls!pyramid!decwrl!ucbvax!business.uwo.CA!bitlib Sat May 6 16:35:50 EDT 1989
Article 11633 of rec.ham-radio:
Path: philabs!prls!pyramid!decwrl!ucbvax!business.uwo.CA!bitlib
>From: bitlib@business.uwo.CA (Business School Server)
Newsgroups: rec.ham-radio
Subject: (none)
Message-ID: <8905041618.AA10571@julian.uwo.ca>
Date: 4 May 89 16:13:00 GMT
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
Organization: The Internet
Lines: 52
This file is: INTRO MODS
MODS database
---- --------
This database was setup to archive files containing information on
how to modify radio equipement to either improve its performance,
or add new functions or capabilities to the radio.
This database runs on a IBM 4381 under VM/CMS. The driving software
is a homebrew list exploder with extra routines to handle file requests
from mail. The software was written in REXX and is available to whomever
likes to take a look at it. It was my first real REXX program so be gentil
with regards to beauty of the logic.
To access a file from the archive, send a message to the server running
under userid -> BITLIB@UWO.CA
Also you may try the userid -> BITLIB@UWO.CDN
The subject of the message must be -> MODS
The text of your message descibes what files you want. For example:
sendme intro mods
sendme radio mods
sendme TH215 mods
You can have as many requests in the same message as required.
INTRO MODS is the file you are reading now.
RADIO MODS is a list of files available.
TH-215 MODS is a file that can be requested.
To submit a file for the database, send me the message and I will
add your entry to the database.
**Note: If you don't seem to be getting a reply to your requests, it is
probally due to the fact that your header doesn't show a reachable
address. You must be reachable from UWO. You can place your return
address in the first line of your message. Example:
FROM: someuser@somenode
UUCP users have had some success by stating their address as:
Julian can usually find most gateways.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to:
Mark Bramwell VE3PZR
University of Western Ontario
School of Business Administration
London, Ontario
From philabs!prls!pyramid!decwrl!ucbvax!business.uwo.CA!bitlib Sat May 6 16:37:39 EDT 1989
Article 11634 of rec.ham-radio:
Path: philabs!prls!pyramid!decwrl!ucbvax!business.uwo.CA!bitlib
>From: bitlib@business.uwo.CA (Business School Server)
Newsgroups: rec.ham-radio
Subject: files available
Message-ID: <8905041617.AA10552@julian.uwo.ca>
Date: 4 May 89 16:12:00 GMT
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
Organization: The Internet
Lines: 69
The file is called: RADIO MODS
To receive a copy of a file, send email to the userid: bitlib@uwo.ca
The subject must be MODS. The text of the message contains the file
requests. Example:
sendme intro mods
sendme radio mods
If it looks as if you have seen these files before, your probally
correct. Most of the files have been taken from messages posted to
INFO-HAMS digest. Any new files posted will be retained, or send mail
to userid: mbramwel@uwo.ca
This is a list of files available from the RADIO MODS archive.
-------------- ------------------------------------------------
INTRO MODS Introduction to the archive.
RADIO MODS The file you are reading now.
TH215 MODS Extend frequency coverage of this hand held.
TS711 MODS Extend frequency coverage from 141.0 to 150.995mhz.
TS440 MODS Extend TX to full RX, add 10HZ digit display.
ALLBAND MODS Extend TX on many Kenwood and ICOM radios.
The list includes IC-02AT, Yaesu 757GX, Kenwood 2600,
TS-430S, TS-940, TS-930, TS-440, IC-720,
IC-735, IC-745, IC-751, Icom M-700(Marine HF)
PRO2004 MODS Add cellular coverage to scanner.
PRO34 MODS Add coverage to the scanner.
TM2570A MODS Extend freq rx/tx 141.0 - 150.995mhz 2530/2550/2570A
IC28 MODS Extend TX 138 - 174mhz IC-28A & IC-28H
ICOM32AT MODS Info on hand-held
IC32 MODS More info on Icom handie, this file is different
FT23R MODS RX/TX 140.0 - 163.995mhz.
FT727R MODS rx/tx 139-160mhz 420-460mhz
760XLT MODS Extending frequency coverage to this scanner.
TM721 MODS Turn the Kenwood dual-bander into a repeater.
TM721-2 MODS More info on TM721 rig.
IC900 MODS Expand RX/TX on many modules/bands
FT411 MODS RX 130-174 TX 140-150
R7000 MODS Fix the flaky display & loss of gain.
TINY2TNC MODS Mod/Fix for hard-of-hearing TNC.
** Since I do not personally own every piece of radio equipment
available, I can not insure how accurate are the various mods.
Questions with specific mods should be directed to the
original poster.